The objective of this policy is to inform data subjects about the different processings carried out by this organization through the website and that affect their personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR hereinafter)


The organization TESORERIA ANALISIS Y APLICACIONES S.A, domiciled in C/Puerto de los Leones, nº 2 3º (28220) Majadahonda , Madrid,  con  N.I.F. A82110602

Phone number: (+34) 916341217



SEGURIDAD Y PRIVACIDAD DE DATOS S.L., domiciled in C/ Menorca, nº19, Edif. AQUA MULTIESPACIO, 17th Floor (46023) Valencia

Phone number: (+34) 963122868 



We will process your personal data provided through our web forms to:


  • To attend to requests, complaints and incidents transferred through our contact channels incorporated in the website.

  • Understand the behavior of the navigator within the web in order to detect possible computer attacks on our website.

    Comply with legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.

    To protect and exercise our rights or to respond to claims of any kind.

  • Where applicable, sending commercial communications regarding the goods or services that make up our activity., and / or news or newsletters related to our sector.


We will process your personal data provided through our web forms for:

  • The management of the business relationship.

  • Provide the services you have contracted through this website.

  • The execution of precontractual measures in which you participate in case you have purchased or contracted our goods or services.

  • Carry out all the necessary steps in order to ensure the reception of the purchased product through this website.

  • Administrative, accounting and tax management of the relationship established with our clients when they have hired us.

  • To attend to requests, complaints and incidents transferred through our contact channels incorporated in the website.

  • To understand the behavior of the navigator within the web in order to detect possible computer attacks on our web.

  • Whereapplicable, sending commercial communications regarding the goods or services that make up our activity., and/ornews or newsletters related to our sector.

  • Comply with legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.

  • To protect and exerciseourrightsor to respond to claims of anykind.



  • In the consent you have given us to process your data for the purposes indicated. The refusal to provide your personal data will result in the impossibility of processing your data for the aforementioned purposes.

  • To comply with the legal obligations that apply to us. In this case, the data subject may not refuse to process personal data.

  • In our legitimate interest to protect our image, business and trajectory avoiding attacks on our website. In this case, the data subject may not refuse to process personal data, although he may exercise, where appropriate, the rights recognized in the eighth section of this policy. 


  • Execution of a contract in which it is part or application of pre-contractual means. The refusal to provide your personal data will make it impossible to process your data for the aforementioned purposes.

  • In the consent that you have given us to process your data for purposes other than the development or execution of the existing contract. The refusal to provide your personal data will make it impossible to process your data for the aforementioned purposes.

  • To comply with the legal obligations that apply to us. In this case, the interested party may not refuse the processing of personal data.

  • In our legitimate interest to protect our image, business and trajectory by avoiding attacks on our website. In this case, the interested party may not refuse the processing of personal data, although they may exercise, where appropriate, the rights recognized in the eighth section of this policy


The personal data provided will be kept for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were initially collected.

Once the data are no longer necessary for the processing in question, they will be properly blocked to, where appropriate, make them available to the competent Public Administrations and Agencies, Judges and Courts or the Public Prosecutor's Office, during the limitation period for actions that may arise from the relationship with the client and/or the legally prescribed retention periods.

In the event that you have provided us with your resume, we will keep your data for the maximum period of one year from the receipt of the same by the entity, unless you have authorized us to keep your data for a period of conservation greater than indicated


The website does not make automated decisions or create profiles.

6.       RECIPIENTS.

During the duration of the processing of your personal data, organization may transfer your data to the following recipients:

  • Judges/Court.

  • State Security Forces and Corps.

  • Other competent public authorities or bodies, where the controller has a legal obligation to provide personal data.


The organization does not make any International Data Transfer. 

8.       RIGHTS.

The interested parties may exercise at any time and totally free of charge the rights of access, rectification and erasure, as well as request that the processing of their personal data be limited or request the portability of them (where technically possible) or withdraw the consent given, and where appropriate, not to be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing , including profiling.

To do this, you can use the forms enabled by the organization, or send a letter to the postal address or email address indicated above.  

In the event that you feel your rights regarding the protection of your personal data have been violated, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can file a complaint with the competent Data Protection Control Authority .

In compliance with Directive 2000/31/EC, if you do not wish to receive further information about our services, you may unsubscribe by sending an email to the address, with "LOW" subject.


The data subject guarantees that the data provided are true, accurate, complete and up-to-date; committing to report any changes with respect to the data that it provided, by the channels enabled for this purpose and indicated in point one of this policy. You will be liable for any damages, both direct and indirect, that you may cause as a result of the breach of this obligation.

In the event that the user provides data of third parties, declares that he has the consent of the interested parties and undertakes to transfer the information contained in this clause, exempting the organization from any liability arising from the failure to comply with this obligation.


Social Networks are part of the day-to-day life of many Internet users, and for them the Entity has created different profiles in some of them. All users who visit our website have the opportunity to join our social networks or groups.

However, you should be aware that, unless we ask you for your data directly (e.g. through marketing actions, contests, promotions, or any other valid form), your data will belong to the corresponding Social Network, so we recommend that you carefully read their terms of use and privacy policies, as well as make sure to configure your preferences regarding the processing of the data.


This privacy policy may be modified/updated according to the legal requirements established or in order to adapt this policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or changes to our website.

For this reason, we advise users to periodically visit our privacy policy.

If you have any questions about this policy, you can contact TESORERIA ANALISIS Y APLICACIONES S.A BY-the following email:

 LAST REVIEW: 16th of March, 2022

We respect your privacy

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